A high quality concrete floor or pavement requires not only to be level but it should also have high wear resistance, high compressive strength, reduced shrinkage and minimum water permeability.
Vacuum dewatered concrete, popularly know tremix in India, is developed by Tremix, Sweden. It is a system for laying high quality concrete floors with superior cost-effectiveness. The key to the use of this method is the dewatering of concrete by vacuum process. Immediately after placing and compaction, excess water is removed by vacuum dewatering process. Thus reducing water content, optimum water to cement ratio can be achieved. A lowered water : cement ratio automatically leads to a noticeable improvement in almost each of the concrete properties.
Vacuum dewatered concrete, popularly know tremix in India, is developed by Tremix, Sweden. It is a system for laying high quality concrete floors with superior cost-effectiveness. The key to the use of this method is the dewatering of concrete by vacuum process. Immediately after placing and compaction, excess water is removed by vacuum dewatering process. Thus reducing water content, optimum water to cement ratio can be achieved. A lowered water : cement ratio automatically leads to a noticeable improvement in almost each of the concrete properties.
What is Vaccum Pump
This is the core of the system. A continuous discharge vacuum pump is complete self contained unit. The unit is mounted on a transportation trolley. 24Sqmt freshly laid concrete can be De-watered in one single operation with one set mat. The pump is powered by 7.5 H.P. 3 Phase electric motor.
Suction mat is placed directly on the green concrete after vi bro screed operation is over. A Special high class nylon filter is fixed on plastic mats which acts a filter during the vacuum operation filter mats in different sizes are provided with the system, Top mat is provided the junction box and is De-watering placed on top of filter mat for the purpose of sealing special synthetic cloth is used in the top mat it comes in standard sizes of 4×6 meter.
- compressive strength increases about 55 %
- Tensile strength increases by @ 70%
- Cement consumption is reduced to the extent of 40%, no cement is required separately for finishing the surface.
- Abrasion resistance of the floor increases by @ 60% resulting in less wear and rear of the floor surface
- Shrinkage of concrete is reduced and floor wraps less.
- Warehouses, Godowns
- Roads, Sports Courts
- Cellars, Parking Areas
- Production Areas
- Pharmaceutical Companies
- As the base floor for Epoxy & PU Floorings